Password Managers Relieve Password Headaches

Passwords Are a Hassle I’ll be the first to admit I can’t remember all my passwords. Most of us can’t, so we pick a few passwords that are easy to remember and then use them with multiple sites. This results in two immediate problems. A password manager can help with both of these problems. First, passwords that are easy to remember are typically also easy to guess. Second, a compromised password is a risk to every site where it has been reused....

January 31, 2012

Your New Year's Resolution--Pick Better Passwords

As we near the end of 2011, I can’t help but think this is the year I had the most trouble telling the difference between actual news stories and pieces from “America’s Finest News Source”, The Onion. As I write this article, details are still unfolding from the data breach at the private intelligence firm Stratfor. According to reports, the Stratfor hackers found a weakly protected database of usernames and passwords and an unencrypted database of credit card information....

December 29, 2011

Security, Productivity, and Usability in the Enterprise

During interviews I conducted for my dissertation research, I asked individuals how the security policies and systems affected their daily life in terms of productivity and work and personal communication. Interviewees gave many examples of tradeoffs between security and usability. People understood the reasoning behind many of the security restrictions. However, these implementations often significantly reduced productivity and frustrated employees everyday work practices and basic personal communications needs. Many implementations actively motivated employees to subvert security protections....

November 30, 2011

Tracking, Geolocation and Digital Exhaust

You are unique… In so many ways… The accounting systems on which modern society depends are surveillance systems when viewed with another lens. All administrative, financial, logistics, public heath, and intelligence systems rely on the ability to track people, objects, and data. Efficiency and effectiveness in tracking have been greatly aided by improvements in data analysis, computational capabilities, and greater aggregations of data. Advances in social network analysis, traffic analysis, fingerprinting, profiling, de-anonymization/re-identification, and behavioral modeling techniques have all contributed to better tracking capabilities....

October 12, 2011

SSL Is Critical Infrastructure at Risk

Problem Areas for SSL The security of the transactions for much of the consumer Internet relies on the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL and its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are critical Internet infrastructure. Most consumer Web, email, and VoIP traffic relies on SSL for security as does substantial portions of enterprise Internet traffic both from SSL enabled Web applications and SSL-based VPNs. Fundamental problems increasingly put this infrastructure at risk....

February 3, 2011

Data Evaporation and the Security of Online Identities

Disappearing Data What happens to our data when we are gone? What happens to us, when our data is gone? Does any of this missing data make us vulnerable? These questions that once seemed theoretical are increasingly relevant to our everyday lives. The consequences include not only the potential for lost communications, but also lost data in cloud services, and risk for security breaches for individuals and businesses alike. We all understand that data deteriorates along with the physical media it is stored on–photographs fade and hard disks crash....

December 1, 2010

How and Why to Sniff Smartphone Network Traffic

Smartphone Network Connection Monitoring Tools for monitoring and modifying connections between web browsers and web servers are essential for debugging, testing, optimizing performance, and assessing vulnerabilities of web-based applications and native applications. Developers, security professionals, and anyone with an interest in gaining insight into the lower levels of web traffic commonly use these tools. There are many mature options for monitoring connections from desktop machines. Unfortunately, there are fewer tools to monitor connections on smartphones and these tools often require more complex configurations, as the monitoring software must run on a separate device....

October 27, 2010

No Frills SSL Certificates are Inexpensive and Useful

SSL De Facto for Securing Connections SSL, short for Secure Socket Layer, is a cryptographic protocol for securing network traffic that is the de facto mechanism for securing transactions on the web and many other protocols including email (SMTP/IMAP/POP), IM (Jabber/XMPP), VoIP (SIP), and SSL-based VPNs. The topic of SSL certificates is a bit arcane, but the much of security of our everyday online purchases depends on SSL. Yet, fewer services use SSL than one might hope....

September 1, 2010

OpenID Trends: Improved Usability and Increased Centralization

The OpenID authentication framework is the most well known of the federated user-centric identity systems. OpenID has effectively become the first commonplace single sign-on option for the Internet at large. Most sizeable Web-based service providers such as AOL, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, MySpace and Yahoo! have integrated at least limited support for OpenID. Services often run OpenID authentication side-by-side with their in-house developed authentication or as an alternate method of authentication. Once the user has authenticated via their OpenID provider, their credentials can be used to automatically sign the user into other services previously linked to their OpenID....

August 27, 2010

Smartphone Phishing Protection Needs Improvement

Recent versions of desktop Web browsers and email clients feature phishing and malware protection in addition to improved security notifications and indicators. Unfortunately, many of these improvements have not reached their mobile device counterparts. While the patterns of use and the threat model for Web browsing and email on mobile devices differ from desktop applications, as smartphones become more capable they present an increasingly attractive target. Institutions and services that wish to protect their mobile user base should seriously consider server-based filtering for both email and Web content on mobile devices....

March 26, 2010